What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Abortion is a procedure that terminates your pregnancy, and it comes with physical risks, like potentially life-threatening infections and prolonged bleeding. But did you know it comes with mental health risks as well? According to a study that looked into the link between abortion and mental health complications, it’s clear that “at least some women

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

Abortion comes in two forms: medical (also known as the “abortion pill”) or surgical. Your pregnancy’s gestational age is one of the main factors that determine which type of abortion you’re eligible for.  Read on to learn more about the essentials you need to know when it comes to medical and surgical abortions. Or, if

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

There are two types of abortion: medical (also known as the “abortion pill”) and surgical. And both types of abortion come with unique risks to your health.  Before choosing abortion for your pregnancy, it’s critical to learn all you can to protect your health and make sure you’re making your own decision, free from the

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