Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

An online or at-home abortion involves receiving abortion drugs by mail and taking them at home—and no, this is not considered a safe option. The FDA advises against it because these drugs aren’t FDA-approved, which means the FDA can’t guarantee their source, efficacy, or safety. Are you still thinking about an online/at-home abortion? Read on

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Women can struggle mentally after an abortion. One study even found that abortion can increase the risk of mental health problems by 81%. According to another study that looked at the grief reactions of women who aborted or miscarried, “[a] significant number of those experiencing a reproductive loss exhibit signs of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic

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Can You Get Pregnant Again After an Abortion?

Yes, you can usually get pregnant again after having an abortion, but your risk of infertility and other pregnancy complications depends on what type of abortion procedure you have.  Although there doesn’t appear to be a link between infertility and medical abortion (also known as the “abortion pill”), infertility and other pregnancy complications are associated

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